Easter Reflections: April 4, 2018 Easter Wednesday

by Rev. Tony Fortman, C.PP.S., Cincinnati Province
What I would like to discuss is the passage that points to Jesus walking with his two disciples. “As they approached the village to which they were going, Emmaus, Jesus gave the impression that he was going on farther. But they urged him, ‘Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over.’ So he went in to stay with them.”
When I first entered the C.PP.S. formation program Br. Gabriel Bridges C.PP.S. told me to first decline invitations to people’s kindness. I was to say, “Oh I can’t accept you paying for this meal.” Br. Gabriel said do not be so eager to accept an act of kindness or people will see that you are too wanting.  He said after you have declined once then accept the gift. Jesus is playing this same game I believe. He gave the impression that he was going on further, that he had better things to do, but Jesus truly wanted to stay with these two disciples. He wanted to stay with them just as much as they wanted Jesus to stay with them.
It is my belief that Jesus is so in love with us. Jesus is a perfect gentlemen and he does not make us do anything we do not want to do. Give Christ permission to enter every aspect of your life. Allow the joy of the resurrected Christ to enter your hearts in the weeks ahead. God bless you all.

Easter Reflections: April 3, 2018 Easter Tuesday

by Sr. Theresa Walter, CPPS, Dayton
They have taken my Lord away…
During the last few years several women have come to me disoriented and grieving after the violent death of a son or husband. Sometimes they express their desire to dream about their loved one. Sometimes they maintain the loved one’s room exactly as it was before their untimely death. Most of the time they keep a photo on a table with a candle burning. There are many ways to avoid the pain of violent loss, ways that keep us from falling into the pit of despair.
We pray at tombs, we bring flowers, we pull weeds, we chat with our deceased loved one. When that tomb appears empty, or the photo disappears, or another relative gives away the loved one’s clothes, one is forced to face again the loss. That is what happened with Mary Magdalen. Her grieving was interrupted. The fact that there was nothing in the tomb threw her back into her own loss again and she cried.
Sometimes there is a moment of surprise in our grief, in which we do finally recognize Jesus in the garden, when we do finally have that dream or receive that message from our beloved or somehow find a new reason to continue with life. This is what Jesus did for Mary Magdalen. He came. She recognized his voice, the loving way he pronounced her name. Her eyes fooled her, but her ears knew him.
Jesus can change our grief in an instant of recognition, in the same miracle in which he rose from the dead.

Easter Reflections: April 2, 2018 Easter Monday

by Sr. Annette Embrich, ASC
Jesus has been raised from the Dead! Do not be afraid!  Go tell my people… they will see me.
Easter is a day of Jubilation!  A day when hope amidst sadness, doubt and confusion turns into true reality!  “Jesus is not dead, but Alive!”
What joy Mary Magdalen and the other Marys must have experienced when Jesus stopped them on their way from the empty tomb and spoke directly to them and told them to go to the others. How fast they must have run!  I’m sure they couldn’t get there fast enough to tell the disciples that they had seen Jesus alive and spoken to Him. “Jesus is Alive! And Jesus will see them too!”
When we have good news, we run to tell it, everywhere! We can’t hold it in. What better news is there to share than Jesus is here with us?  We have seen Jesus present in our lives, in our gospel living, in those with whom we walk and work! With whom do we run and share our experiences?  Jesus tells us too, to go and tell all people that He is alive, and they will see Him too. He is here with us!
We are to be Hope-filled people, Jesus’ messengers of Hope, to our world.  We must be like the Marys on the way from the tomb, and pay attention to God’s presence all around us, in people, in creation, in experiences and be astonished by God’s workings and then go and spread hope, and joy.  Go and spread the good news that Jesus is very much alive! Jesus is present in our world! Alleluia!

Easter Reflections: April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday

by Rev. William Nordenbrock, C.PP.S., Moderator General
In some churches this Easter morning, we can be sure that the preacher will ask: “Can I get a witness?’’ They will be imitating St. Peter’s discourse to Cornelius and the people of Caesarea (see the first reading for today, Acts 10:37-43) proclaiming that Jesus has risen and they will invite those in the congregation to raise a hand and exclaim: Amen! We also believe!
Amen-we also believe! We praise God today with awesome wonder at what God has done for us. Jesus who was dead and in a tomb has been raised to a new life. Jesus died on the cross but death could not hold him captive. The love of God liberated him and gave him new life.
Peter proclaimed that “all the prophets bear witness that everyone that believes in Jesus will receive forgiveness of sins through his name.”
Amen-we also believe! We believe that our sinfulness died with Jesus on the cross and so now our sins do not hold us captive because we have been liberated by the merciful love of God. The darkness and death of sin has lost its hold on our hearts as a new day dawns with the light and love of God.
For those that believe, the power of the resurrection is transformative and empowering. Like Jesus rising from the tomb, our lives are not merely resuscitated but made truly new. The first fruit of this new life is the compelling desire to share the Good News and to participate in the continuing mission of transforming the world through the life giving power of God’s love.
Can we follow the example of the first witness to the resurrection, Mary of Magdela? Can we run, not walk to tell others the good news?  Can our excitement bring others out of their fearful sanctuaries and bring them to the place of wonder and awe where they too can become prophets of the good news of the risen Christ?
The world continues to need prophets who give witness:

  • to the joy of believing that the power of God’s love will continue to bring to life the deadness of a world indifferent to injustice;
  • to the hope that the suffering of those oppressed will be healed;
  • and to the power of the love of God to change hearts and lives.

Can I get a witness?

Easter Reflections 2018

Each day during the 2018 Easter season, we will feature a reflection for the next week from the book, Easter Reflections by the Precious Blood Family of Communities:
Adorers of the Blood of Christ (US Region)
Missionaries of the Precious Blood (Atlantic, Cincinnati & Kansas City Provinces)
Sisters of the Most Precious Blood (O’Fallon, MO)
Sisters of the Precious Blood (Dayton, OH)
Sisters of Saint Mary of Oregon
The entire book is available for printing here.