Dear Friends of the Precious Blood Community:
Thank you very much for your generous donation of $542 to purchase healthy snacks and toys and prizes for students in the Learning Club of KCK! Your support of our students has a big impact on their lives.
The toys and prizes serve as incentives for our students to work hard and stay on a good path. At the Learning Club, students earn points for arriving on time, for their academic achievement, and for good behavior. They also earn interest points for saving their points, teaching them the value of delayed gratification. Then, they can use their points to purchase items such as school supplies, or even a new bike, from our prize store. The items that you provide will be great incentives for our students to work hard and achieve success!
Healthy snacks are also an important component of our program. We know that students can’t learn if they are hungry. More than that, to have good mental and physical health, they need to eat nutritious food. We serve our students fresh fruit and healthy snacks every week at our sites. This is especially important to us because in two of our sites, the only place to buy food within walking distance is a convenience store. The only options in these stores are processed, fatty foods like chips and cookies. Your donation will help us keep a supply of fresh food in stock, so our students can grow in mind and body.
Most of our funding and support come from individual donors like you, who care about the needs of high-risk youth. Together we are unlocking the awesome potential of wonderful kids who have no other programs besides the Learning Club to help develop their interests and talents. Together we are breaking the cycle of poverty in which many of our students feel trapped. Together we are helping Learning Club students succeed, in school and in life! Your support makes our academic formation and life skills training possible for over 100 high-risk inner city youth. Thank you for being a valuable partner in our ministry!
Brad Grabs
Executive Director
The Learning Club of KCK