Lectionary Catechesis: OT 8, February 26, 2017

We are given much wisdom for the disciple beginning the journey with Jesus about God’s providence, about the necessity of reconciliation before discipleship, about our stewardship in our ministries, God’s parental love, and even a few notes regarding our right relationship with animals and created world. We are taught by Jesus himself about our prayers of petition. It will be hard to choose one of these topics and drill down into only one more richly. A number of these points are problematic for the modern person.
OT 8 A Lectionary Catechesis

Lectionary Catechesis: First Week of Lent, March 5, 2017

The readings challenge us to think about the dynamics and psychology of sin from the view of these ancient texts. Recognition of the truth of the human condition and authentic honesty about ourselves will result in an increase of yearning for Jesus. Sin is never comfortable to discuss, and should not be in a “hell fire and brimstone” sermon context. It is viewed In the Catechism always in relation to the salvation we have encountered in the Lord Jesus and his obedience of will. In order to begin to grasp the theology of sin in these readings, CCC 396- 412 beg serious study and reflection. While no one is asking for a “hell fire and brimstone” homily, the dynamics of our relationship with one another and God includes the problem and condition of sin. All this is in the part on the Creed, so it is fundamental to our beliefs. The wide mercy of the Psalm is in between the bookends of the Genesis and Romans reading. Listen to Allegri’s magnificent Miserere. It was forbidden under pain of excommunication to take copies out of the Vatican; Mozart as a teenager heard it once, left the concert, and wrote it out accurately from memory for his own use in 1771. He was disciplined by Pope Clement XIV at the time with an award for cleverness.
Lent 1 A Lectionary Catechesis

Lectionary Catechesis: Ash Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Thus Lent begins. God desires conversion of heart; our Lenten practices are directed to that goal or end. At the same time, the three penances commended by Jesus are done for others who have less than we have ourselves; at any angle, penance has some communal character connected with it, cf. the prophet Joel. We live in a culture that privatizes religion. God is a separate if not remote part of our lives; God is spiritual and therefore not tangible, immanent, or incarnate. Lent is our drawing close to God, to suffering, and to transformation.
Ash Wednesday ABC

Lectionary Catechesis: OT 7A, February 19, 2017

The breath and scope of love that makes us a holy people brings these readings together. There are opportunities to deepen our understanding of evangelization in these readings. A lingering question for many will continue to be the distinction between the Law and the spirit of the Law. This filters down to the minutiae of being Church, eg., the old “fish on Friday” issue or how many angels can dance on a pin. Perhaps a review of the different “weight” that different kinds of Church documents have an effect on shaping our discipleship is in order. Behind all this, is the very important work of holiness so that we are indeed temples of the Spirit.
OT 7 A Lectionary Catechesis

Feast of St. Maria De Mattias Celebrated at Vietnam Mission

The Feast Day of St. Maria De Mattias was celebrated at Xavier Mission House in Saigon, Vietnam on February 4th. It was a Day of Recollection at the house for the candidates in formation. Fr. Nhan Bui, C.PP.S. led the time of reflection on the theme, “New Beginnings.” We prayed through the intercession of St. Maria De Mattias throughout the day beginning with the celebration of Eucharist in the morning and ending with evening prayer. I especially prayed for a blessed time for the candidates in formation and that Fr. Nhan would be inspired by St. Mary, Woman of the New Covenant, as he talked about new beginnings. God knows that St. Maria De Mattias was inspired by Mary. The Vietnamese certainly have a strong devotion to Mary given evidence by the many shrines dedicated to her throughout the country.

Sojourners of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, Vietnam

The women in formation to become Sojourners of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ.

We also kept in prayer the women in Vietnam in training to be lay associates to the Adorers of the Blood of Christ. Sr. Hang Pham, ASC has been leading them through the discernment process to become Sojourners. These five women are welcomed to use our mission houses to have their monthly meetings. They are Hanh Nguyen, Theu Bui, Ngoc Pham, Lan Nguyen and Trang Luu. Sojourners are a small group of laypersons who feel very strongly committed to the charism of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ and their foundress, St. Maria De Mattias. They strive to live three promises: dedication to a simple lifestyle, radical love of God and others, and undertaking what God has asked them to be and do. Please keep these women in prayer as well as anyone else in Vietnam aspiring to become lay associates to our Congregations.