Lectionary Catechesis: OT 20C, August 14, 2016

The fire of the Holy Spirit in its confronatiation and somewhat eschatological components is difficult to grasp In our own ecclesial culture and in our modern media culture. The Church in the United States is largely ineffective in speaking with a prophetic voice for a variety of reasons and as a result of much modern history. In some circles the most prophetic thing to say has to do with a confrontation against a certain traditionalist mentality of fear and a political culture of fear and anger. Perhaps the “cloud of witnesses” motif in Hebrews helps focus the readings. Perhaps the question may be to ask ourselves how we too can be saints in this particularly discouraging culture.
OT 20 C Lectionary Catechesis

Lectionary Catechesis: OT 21C, August 21, 2016

Discipleship is the theme of these readings, yet clearly cast from a prophetic standpoint. The disciple must be faithful through strength and perseverance to enter the kingdom of God. The scope and breath of the kingdom of God as an all inclusive ingathering of the nations presents a strong message for our own time, torn as we are by prejudices of every kind. The universality of the Church as people of God is emphasized.
OT 21 C Letionary Catechesis