Becoming New Wine

Core Value Number Five: We commit to the growth of the Congregation so that the charism entrusted to us by Saint Gaspar continues to flourish.


Through the witness of our lives as missionaries and investing the best of our human and financial resources, especially through innovative means of communication, we form relationships that invite others to drink of the “New Wine” of our spirituality, community life and mission. We accompany them as they discern their vocation as priest, brother, or lay associate, which requires us to provide effective formation that inspires and enables those we invite to live out their chosen vocation with passionate commitment.

Psalm of the Edge


Spirit of Gaspar,

take us to the edge.

With a gentle push,

send us forth to fly

beyond the confinements of our minds

to the heart of mystery.

You preached the vision

of a new heaven and a new earth.

This vision has its time

and will not disappoint.

Etch the vision in our imaginations

to help us see the time is now.

Give us courage

to find our home

on the edge

where heaven meets earth

and hope is born.