March 24, 2021
Dear Members and Companions,
In light of recent statements from a Vatican office regarding LGBTQ Catholics and their relationships, the Kansas City Province of the Society of the Precious Blood continues to uphold the dignity and equality of all people, regardless of sexual orientation. We affirm our respect for the LGBTQ community and rejoice in the gifts and light they bring to the world and specifically, the Precious Blood Community.
We recognize the deep faith LGBTQ Catholics have in belonging to a Church that is flawed and in need of reconciliation. We urge our missionaries to continue to be creative and resilient in creating safe spaces of welcome in our parishes and mission sites for our LGBTQ brothers and sisters. To our LGBTQ community members, we say, “We love you and walk with you as companions on the journey. May God continue to bless you!”
Peace in the blood of Christ,
V. Rev. Garry Richmeier, C.PP.S.
Provincial Director