Jesus answered and said to them, ‘This is the work of God that you believe in the one He sent.’ (John. 6:29)
This Scripture surely resonates with women and men dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus! Are we not committed to being followers of the One sent? Is our life not about accomplishing the works of God that flow from our belief in Jesus?
Reflect upon the power of belief. Danny Thomas’ belief in a cause resulted in the incredible St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis.   Martin Luther King’s belief in a dream precipitated the Civil Rights Movement. Mother Theresa worked miracles on the streets of Calcutta because she believed in a Jesus who lived in the poor.   Never underestimate the power of belief. Jesus speaks to us as he did to the confused people of Capernaum, “This is the work of God that you believe in the one he sent.”
The infinitely merciful God sent us the gift of Jesus who became one with us. If, as has been said, mercy is the form love takes when it encounters misery, witness Jesus’ mercy at every turn bringing Good News to the poor, proclaiming liberty to captives and restoring sight to the blind. Not satisfied to be incarnate with us, Jesus further laid down his life for us and rose in glory where he prepares a place for us. A place determined by the ways in which we respond to Jesus’ invitation to live out our lives responding with our personal kind of love to any kind of misery. What can WE/I do to accomplish the works of God!
Sr. Maryann Bremke, CPPS (Dayton)
This reflection comes from the Easter Reflections, prepared by the Precious Blood Family of communities:
Adorers of the Blood of Christ (US Region)
Missionaries of the Precious Blood (Atlantic, Cincinnati & Kansas City Provinces)
Sisters of the Most Precious Blood (O’Fallon, MO)
Sisters of the Precious Blood (Dayton, OH)
Sisters of Saint Mary of Oregon
Easter Reflections is available for printing here.