Motivated by the Blood of Christ and called to be ministers of reconciliation, we, the Missionaries and Companions of the Precious Blood, Kansas City Province, affirm our belief in the sacredness of life. Present laws making it possible for uncontrolled and unlimited access to weapons and ammunition of any amount and any type do not foster a culture of life. Local, state and national legislators must pass reasonable laws which will curb the culture of violence tearing apart the fabric of our nation. The “cry of the Blood” (Genesis 4:10) demands we do no less. We come together to confront evil manifested by the culture of violence. Bonded in charity, creating a safe environment for our children, we seek to promote a culture of life and peace. We advocate for measures that reflect our founder, St. Gaspar’s message, “try to make every effort to bring everything to a peaceful solution.” Therefore, we will encourage and support the following measures to ensure that reasonable steps are taken to keep weapons out of the hands of those who seek to harm others:

  • Require background checks on all gun purchases
  • Enforcement of gun trafficking laws
  • Pass laws banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines
  • Pass laws to fund violence prevention programs
  • Do not support any measures increasing armed guards in schools
  • Make gun safety education necessary for owning a gun