“Let us allow the plant to set its own roots and then we shall reap the fruits. Sometimes the inclination will be in harmony with the vocation, and other times the vocation does not agree with the inclination. You know that vocations demand courage and firmness. Vocations come from God.” These words of St. Gaspar ring true with regard to our latest Inquirers to the Missionaries of the Precious Blood in the Vietnam Mission. Discerning the inclination towards a vocation with our Congregation does demand courage and firmness.

On October 15-19 a group of 8 men joined our Co-Vocation Directors, Hao Pham and Hoa Vu in a discernment retreat led by Fr. Nhan Bui at Foyer De Charite’s Retreat Center in Saigon. This group of men are older vocations to religious life and some of them are coming to us from having been with previous religious communities or diocesan programs. We in the Vietnam Mission believe that vocations do come from God and are eager to hear their life journeys. We are currently considering accepting older vocations into our formation program in order to grow our mission with membership into the future.
Please pray for Phu Nguyen, Tuyen Tran, Luyen Doan, Thanh Nguyen, Tuan Nguyen, Lan Vu, Hai Hoang and Hieu Nguyen. These eight men are discerning their vocations along with two others, Manh Nguyen and Fr. Tuan Tran whom Fr. Nhan also gave a shorter discernment retreat earlier this month. Let us hope and pray that one day these ten Inquirers can advance into our Initial Formation Program.