Undoubtedly we are a blessed people. If we itemized all we have for which to be thankful, our lists would be quite lengthy. Centering our lives in gratitude opens us up to be awed over and over again by the wonders of God, his creation, his unconditional love, and his providential care. A natural inclination is to share the abundance that we enjoy.
Struggles and loss are also a part of the human experience. As people grounded in Precious Blood spirituality, we rejoice with grateful hearts in St. Paul’s words in his letter to the Colossians, when he says that Christ made room in his passion for us to participate in his redemptive act. In uniting our cross with Christ’s great sacrifice, we are given the hope of the new life offered in the Resurrection. This is the Good News that enables us to live the paschal mystery in our life in union with all of God’s people.
The Companions’ vision statement, Gather Send, expresses our desire to share our gifts with the rest of world going to the edges of society bringing hope and reconciliation to a wounded world. When we bring the fullness of Christ’s message and mission to those struggling on the margins, we are bringing a hope that shines like a bright star in a bleak sky. It is a hope that never fails as one embraces the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ as an invitation into this mystery.
I am looking forward to my monthly visit to Kansas City, Kansas to share Scripture with those challenged by severe mental illness, which falls the day before Thanksgiving, Wednesday, November 26. For many this is their only church experience because they don’t feel they fit in or are welcomed in church communities. I am always inspired by their willingness to share deeply, their knowledge of Scripture, and their spiritual depth. I will be leaving the Precious Blood Center at 10:00 AM and will be back by noon. Please call me by Tuesday if you would like to join me at (816) 803-6413. It will be a great opportunity to live into our vision statement as beacons of hope sharing the Good News of our Precious Blood spirituality as well as to give a little bit of ourselves in thanksgiving for all that we have been given. Let me know if you are not able to make it this Wednesday but have an interest in joining me in the future. Meeting in Kansas City, Kansas is always an option too if that is more convenient for you. Thanksgiving blessings to you and your family.
Kathy Keary, Co-director of the Companion Movement