The Transfiguration has long been a favorite subject in icons and in west European art, Raphael’s Transfiguration is about the most popular and well known. Older and eastern depictions typically have much more symbolic detail. For all the importance of this event, the Catechism hardly references it as an historical event or a source of dogma, which means that the emphasis is clearly catechetical and evangelical. Nor is the focus about how we will be changed when we get to heaven, how we will changed here on earth, and have our sins scrubbed clean or how we need to change now. It is all about our encounter with the Lord Jesus in His glory. It isn’t about us. It’s about Jesus. At the end of all things, we will live with and share in Christ’s glory. In the gospel event, all the past and the apostles are represented as present. From a holistic overview of the readings, it is our response of faith that changes everything for us and enlightens our way to follow Christ.
Lent 2 A Lectionary Catechesis