One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. (Matt. 4:4)
How much do I really trust God? That is a question for us to reflect on every single day. How much of myself am I willingly putting in God’s hands? This Gospel is a powerful reminder of giving our all to God and letting God multiply it. The psalm verses today show us the blessings and joys that we receive when we enter in God’s house. Of course if we take that a but further, it means we need to follow God’s rules and ways of doing things if we wish to stay in God;s house. For it is when we leave our ways of doing things and give our all to God, that God can truly bless us.
Fr. Michael Mateyk, CPPS (Atlantic)
This reflection comes from the Easter Reflections, prepared by the Precious Blood Family of communities:
Adorers of the Blood of Christ (US Region)
Missionaries of the Precious Blood (Atlantic, Cincinnati & Kansas City Provinces)
Sisters of the Most Precious Blood (O’Fallon, MO)
Sisters of the Precious Blood (Dayton, OH)
Sisters of Saint Mary of Oregon
Easter Reflections is available for printing here.