Easter Reflections: April 1, 2016 Easter Friday

Jesus said to them, ‘Come and have breakfast.’ (John 21:12)
Eating freshly caught fish, seared in garlic and butter is one of life’s happy, happy moments.
Imagine…breakfast around a campfire as the sun comes up and light dances on the water, fishing with friends, jumping into the water. That morning there were no questions, no criticisms, no harking back to past events nor judgment of a group of followers who weren’t at their best just days before. Only breakfast.
This is mercy, connection with others, sharing time and space and welcoming the God present who forever welcomes us. May our day, this feast of fools, be a celebration of that which feeds us and allows us to feed others.
Sr. Kris Schrader, ASC
This reflection comes from the Easter Reflections, prepared by the Precious Blood Family of communities:
Adorers of the Blood of Christ (US Region)
Missionaries of the Precious Blood (Atlantic, Cincinnati & Kansas City Provinces)
Sisters of the Most Precious Blood (O’Fallon, MO)
Sisters of the Precious Blood (Dayton, OH)
Sisters of Saint Mary of Oregon
Easter Reflections is available for printing here.